Episode 2: Health & Biological Effects of EMR w/ Dr Julie McCredden of ORSAA

Episode 2: Health & Biological Effects of EMR w/ Dr Julie McCredden of ORSAA

Sunshine Coast For Safe Technology

18/06/2020 8:22AM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 2: Health & Biological Effects of EMR w/ Dr Julie McCredden of ORSAA"

When WiFi and wireless devices came into University life in the 2000’s, it promised better learning outcomes, but Julie observed much poorer learning outcomes. She was shocked when she looked into the biological effects of wireless tech and discovered harmful effects on the brain and the body. As an educator, she hadn’t been told about it. She had actually been wined and dined by an industry selling it as safe. She got together with like-minded researchers, scientists and radiation specialists to gather and investigate evidence for the safety of wireless technologies (electromagnetic radiation). They formed ORSAA to disseminate what they found to education, medicine and government. ORSAA has established a free online database of over 3,600 scientific papers looking at biological effects of EMR (most since 2012), along with a summary of findings. This database of papers includes all of those that ARPANSA have in their database. Over two thirds of these 3,600 papers show biological effects from EMR, including auditory effects (hearing loss, tinnitus), neurobehavioral effects, cardiac rhythm disruption, immune system effects, and - notably - oxidative stress. This body of evidence (~2,000 papers!) is not referred to by industry or government. Instead, they loosely claim that there is no ‘substantial evidence’ to show biological effects. ARPANSA say they have done a review of the literature on non-ionising radiation (NIR), but in fact they took that review from someone else, and that review is flawed. We have all of this evidence, yet we are surrounded by electrosmog. Consider 30 children in a classroom, each with a tablet and a mobile phone, both devices emitting to the local WiFi router in the classroom and the local mast (tower), plus likely some satellite radiation coming in. This is what our children are exposed to for five hours a day. With so much evidence of health effects, this is a tremendous risk to our children. If we ignore it, what will happen to future generations? 20:55. About frequencies and wavelengths - Life on earth evolved in the natural frequencies reaching us from full spectrum sunlight, and in a relative absence of natural microwave radiation 36:29. Myth: Sunbaking is more harmful than 5G (or 3G or 4G) 40:45. Myth: Only ionising radiation poses a problem to human tissue 48:23. Myth: Only non-ionising thermal effects cause cancer 51:29. Mechanisms of harm: Radical Pair Mechanism 53:40. Voltage Gated Calcium Channels (VGCCs) 1:01:00. Oxidative Stress (underlies common chronic diseases like depression, mental illness, autism and Alzheimer’s) 1:04:04. Children, EMR/NIR and effects on the brain - Stats show a major decline in health is now occurring at age 27, much earlier than for previous generations - 2015 military research stated that microwave radiation is the fourth largest pollutant (after air, water and noise) and it induces many biological effects. They concluded that the brain is the most sensitive target organ for microwave radiation, where mitochondrial injury occurs earlier and more severely than in other organs 1:09:18. About Electro Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) 1:36:16. About 5G 1:38:41. Conclusion: Wireless device usage in not risk free - Self responsibility. Reduce own device usage and exposure.If a phone must be used, reduce emissions by turning off location services, turn off WiFi and Bluetooth, turn off 4G and use only 3G - Links & resources for further learning, https://www.orsaa.org.au 1:44:21. Lobbying Councillors; Julie recommends lots of community consultation, well facilitated, where all voices are heard (e.g. Parents, those with EHS)

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