Episode Synopsis "Child Development Info.com: 7 Ways to Encourage Your Child's Uniqueness"
Our Positive Action word of the week is "unique". Here are some ways we, as parents, can support our children to discover and embrace their uniqueness!
Listen "Child Development Info.com: 7 Ways to Encourage Your Child's Uniqueness"
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- Understood.org: "Homework Anxiety: Why it Happens and How to Help"
- Understood.org: "What do say when your child says 'I can't do it.'"
- Very Well Family.com: How to Help Your Kids Make Friends During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Childmind.org: Talking to Kids About Money
- Very Well Family.com: How Parents Can Deal With the Stress of Virtual Education
- Childmind.org: "Signs of Depression During the Pandemic"
- CourtneyHarrisCoaching.com: How to Use Curiosity Questions with your Teen
- PittsburgParent.com: Teaching Children to Self-Regulate and Manage Screen-Time
- Understood.org: "How to Help Gade-Schoolers Gain Self-Control"
- Verywellfamily.com: 15 Self-Care Strategies for Parents
- Preparedparents.org: "Too much Zoom? Reduce the burnout from video conferencing"
- Greatergood.edu: Family Conflict is Normal; It's the Repair That Matters
- Kidshealth.org: "Coronavirus: Calming Anxiety"
- Child Development Info.com: 7 Ways to Encourage Your Child's Uniqueness
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- MindShift: How Parents Can Help Their Kids While Managing Distance Learning