Episode Synopsis "06 Reading"
Listen "06 Reading"
More episodes of the podcast Sung Eucharist - 5 June 2016
- 01 Welcome and Prayers of Penitence
- 02 Kyrie
- 03 Absolution
- 04 Gloria
- 05 Collect
- 06 Reading
- 07 Gradual Psalm
- 08 Alleluia
- 09 Gospel
- 10 Sermon
- 11 Credo
- 12 Prayers of Intercession
- 13 The Peace
- 14 Hymn: Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth (NEH 216)
- 15 Eucharistic Prayer
- 16 Sanctus
- 17 Consecration
- 18 Lord's Prayer
- 19 Communion Sentence
- 20 Invitation to Communion
- 21 Agnus Dei
- 22 Prayer after Communion
- 23 Hymn: Father of mercy, God of consolation (NEH 323)
- 24 Blessing and Dismissal
- 25 Voluntary: Ite, Missa est