Episode Synopsis "S1E3: MUSIC ft. Jacob Palushaj and Kennedy Parker"
Super excited to introduce @jpalushaj and @kennedyparker_ for a highly informative and informational episode! Along with discussing the nuts and bolts of the local music industry, we dive into song writing, doing things that are "counter kulture", and chasing your dreams, as well as praising the amazing new TV series @obx (@madelyncline, consider this an invitation) and @highschoolmusicalseries (@olivia.rodrigo, "all I want" is to have you on the show). - All jokes aside, you will be FIRED UP after listening to these two AMAZING up and comers give you SPECIFIC and ACTIONABLE advice to use in your daily life! Check out Myro! and Kennedy Parker on Spotify! - ps thank you to @ninapascua for an amazing live studio audience appearance and the great pics!
Listen "S1E3: MUSIC ft. Jacob Palushaj and Kennedy Parker"
More episodes of the podcast Success in Dialogue
- S1E6 (pt 2): FOOD ft. Maddie McSweeney and Isabelle Reeber
- S1E6 (pt 1): FOOD ft. Maddie McSweeney and Isabelle Reeber
- S1E5 (pt 2): U OF M ATHLETICS ft. CJ Baird & Jess Mruzik
- S1E5 (pt 1): U OF M ATHLETICS ft. CJ Baird & Jess Mruzik
- S1E4 (pt 2): SPIRITUALITY ft. Brendan Burke and Brendan Nell
- S1E4 (pt 1): SPIRITUALITY ft. Brendan Burke and Brendan Nell
- S1E3: MUSIC ft. Jacob Palushaj and Kennedy Parker
- S1E2: INTERNATIONAL LIVING ft. Sarah Cavanaugh and Isabella Kakish
- S1E1: ATHLETICS ft. Joseph Hardenbergh, Joey Kamish, and Sarah Smolinski