Episode Synopsis "Parenting a teen bird in nest"
16 minutes on how parenting a teen is like having to nudge a bird to the edge of the nest
Listen "Parenting a teen bird in nest"
More episodes of the podcast Stupid About Children Podcast
- All Parts of the Brain
- Value in the World
- Big Picture in the Moment
- Childhood is when you don't have Responsibilities
- Impact not Intention
- Leveling Up
- Try
- River Experience
- Sharing Toys
- Accident
- Boundaries are Tiring
- Parenting a teen bird in nest
- Someone Caves Win Win
- I Don't Know
- Teen Conflict
- Don't you want to be an Adult
- Old Psychologist
- Covering Love
- Do Unto Others Why
- Creativity of Limits
- Listening 123
- Fascinated Body
- Feedback System
- Trying or Thinking
- Types of Depending
- Sleeping near
- Which takes courage
- Kids Change Batteries
- Bicker