Episode Synopsis "The Disappearing Great Barrier Reef and What You Can Do To Help"
As the largest living structure on earth and the food source for thousands of organisms, corals in the Great Barrier Reef (Off the east coast of the Queensland mainland, Australia) are the fundamental foundation of the ecosystem. But 1/3 of the reef is dead. Why is the Great Barrier Reef important? Why is it under a threat? Why should it matter to me? And many other questions will be answered in our short conversation. Go to our blog post about the Great Barrier Reef to see ways you can make a positive, direct impact. https://akashmahajan2021.wixsite.com/studentstakingaction/forum-1/_blog/the-great-barrier-reef-s-steady-disappearance Great Barrier Reef Foundation: https://www.barrierreef.org/