Episode Synopsis "Pro life: A prayer reflection for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Children"
January 22, 2021 Being unwell stems from being overwhelmed and feeling under prepared. God brings us peace and prepares us perfectly for everything He brings us to- especially caring for the most precious life of a newborn child. Jesus gave His life for us, let's dedicate our lives to standing up for the unborn babies who can't save themselves. "We are called to act with justice. We are called to love tenderly. We are called to serve one another... to walk humbly with God." Go to the website smilesbystephanie.weebly.com to check out the book God's Love for us which I reference.
Listen "Pro life: A prayer reflection for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Children"
More episodes of the podcast Stretch, Strengthen, & Walk in Faith
- Hope for Holiness
- An hour of Eucharistic Adoration
- "Look, it's your friend Jesus!"
- A prayer for Hope
- The Wellness Garden
- Happy Dreaming!
- Night time reflection ~ Wellness to me
- God's Unconditional Love
- Then will you be happy?
- Place your trust in God
- The Learning Curves of Life
- A Prayer for Peace
- A Prayer for Healing
- The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary~ prayed on Saturdays and Mondays
- Pro life: A prayer reflection for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Children
- Impatience with God's Perfect Timing
- Family Rosary: Praying together- far apart, but close at heart