Want to become a better social storyteller and a more productive video creator? Join us as we dive into a variety of topics and answer your questions to help you navigate all things video content marketing.
Latest episodes of the podcast Storykit Talks
- 11 – Creating video from text – why and how?
- 10 – Marketing, brand and messaging during a recession – should you invest?
- 09 – The importance of storytelling in content creation – and how to use it
- 08 – The formula for content efficiency is formats
- 07 – How to succeed with paid ads on social
- 06 – How successful marketers combine control and creativity
- 05 – FAQ about video creation and marketing
- 04 – The importance of branding on social
- 03 – 5 common mistakes in video creation
- 02 – The new role of the marketer
- 01 – The science of storytelling
- Hur gör jag annonser som faktiskt funkar i sociala kanaler?
- Hur lyckas jag med organisk distribution i sociala kanaler?
- Hur tillgänglighetsanpassar jag min video?
- Hur marknadsför jag min podcast?
- Hur får jag video att konvertera?
- Vad kan marknadsförare lära sig av journalister?
- Hur skriver man ett effektivt videomanus?
- Varför ska vi lokalanpassa vårt innehåll?
- Vad är retention och varför spelar det roll för social video?