Episode Synopsis "Libra; Babylonian Divine Order"
This episode takes a historical drill directly back into Mesopotamian History so that we might consider a Babylonian's conception of divine order in the universe. How this conception of order affected Babylonians' lives is explored, and how this conception of order affects our lives is explored. Topics: Astrology, Enuma Elish, Zodiac, Power of Words Full disclosure, I spend a high percentage of this episode in digression upon related topics rather than directly talking about Babylonians, but I believe the digressions helped fill out the topic. ////////////////// Sources ////////////////// Bobrick, Benson, The Fated Sky: Astrology in History, 2005, Simon & Schuster Cutrone, Carolyn, "Why Friday the 13th Scares Away Business", Inc.com, https://www.inc.com/carolyn-cutrone/why-friday-the-13th-scares-away-business.html [ I read this and other articles to determine my opinion on Friday the 13th at 34:15, though I don't really quote any hard numbers. Some numbers I saw online were huge, but I didn't mention them. ] Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World, edited by Amar Annus, The Oriental Institute Of the University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Seminars, Number 6, Chicago, Illinois This collection of seminars includes the following papers: - Koch, Ulla Susanne, "Three Strikes and You're Out! A View On Cognitive Theory and the First-Millenium Extispicy Ritual", Independent Scholar [ I first read the term "sense-making system" in this paper. ] - Noegel, Scott B., "Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign": Script, Power and Interpretations In the Ancient Near East, University of Washington [ Quoted at 20:00 ] - Rochberg, Francesca, "If P, Then Q": Form and Reasoning in Babylonian Divination, University of California, Berkley [ I tapped this resource my times at ~17:00 ] - Veldhuis, Niek, The Theory of Knowledge and the Practice of Celestial Divination, University of California, Berkley Empirical evidence for stability of the 405-kiloyear Jupiter-Venus eccentricity cycle over hundreds of millions of years, Dennis V. Kent et others, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, May 7, 2018 Fincke, Jeanette C., The Babylonian Texts of Nineveh: Report on the British Museum's "Ashurbanipal Library Project", Archiv fur Orientforschung Bd 50 (2003/2004), pp. 111-149 Foster, Benjamin R., Before The Muses; An Anthology of Akkadian Literature, 1996, Bethesda, Maryland Mark, Joshua J. "Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation - Full Text." Ancient History Encyclopedia. May 4, 2018, https://www.ancient.eu/article/225 McClymond, Kathryn, Great Mythologies of the World, Great Courses Lectures Podany, Amanda H., Ancient Mesopotamia: Life in the Cradle of Civilization, Great Courses Lectures [ My reference to king statues at 22:00 from this source and other general information. ] Possanza, Mark, "Two Notes on Q Cicero's De Duodecim Signis", Classical Philology, Vol. 87, N 1 (Jan 1992), pp 44-46 [ Informed me more about Rome's relationship with Libra at 44:30, but I also drew a little from Bobrick at that point. ] Remijsen, Sofie, The Postal Service and the Hour as a Unit of Time in Antiquity, Historia: Zeitchrift fur Alte Geschichte, Bd 56. H. 2(2007), pp 127-140 Rogers J.H., Origins of the Ancient Constellations: 1. The Mesopotamian traditions, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, vol 108, no.1, p.9-28 Smithsonian, National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Latino Center, "Living Maya Time", https://maya.nmai.si.edu/sites/default/files/resources/The%20Maya%20Calendar%20System.pdf [ Information on the Mayan calendar at 38:20 ]