Episode Synopsis "1: Christmas 2017"
In the first episode, Thomas and Richard produce ‘a random and meaningless load of drivel’ about Christmas 2017, including how the Choristers are bribed to work on into their school holidays, what inspires the music choice for A Christmas Celebration, and choices for Christmas tree decorations. and buy tickets for A Christmas Celebration on 15th December 2017Black Ops inflatable obstacle course
Listen "1: Christmas 2017"
More episodes of the podcast Staved Off
- 17: Vespers
- 16: Passion Play
- 15: Locked down
- 14: Long-Service Leave
- 13: Departing Scholars
- 12: Modern Music
- 11: Lent, Holy Week, and Easter 2019
- 10: 2019 is a new year
- 9: Christmas 2018
- 8: Remembrance Sunday
- 7: Choir history and the 200th anniversary
- 6: Tour Travelogue: Italy & the Netherlands
- 5: Tour Travelogue: Belgium
- 4: Weddings
- 3: Simon Niemiński, new Assistant Director of Music
- 2: Lent 2018
- 1: Christmas 2017