Episode Synopsis "Clenched Fists"
In this Prayercast we encounter the words of Henry Nouwen as he explores how we often approach our God and others with clenched fists, blocking ourselves off from true and deep relationships.
Listen "Clenched Fists"
More episodes of the podcast St. Norbert College Prayercast
- Creation
- Sacrifice and Commitment
- Vocation
- Meaning of Life
- Silence
- Doing the Right Thing
- Suffering and Love
- The Presence and Absense of God in Our Lives
- Self-giving Love
- Being Watchful
- Poverty
- Choices
- Allowing Space for God
- Contemplation
- Solidarity in Prayer
- Deciding on Faith
- Emptying Oneself
- The Good You Can See In Yourself
- The Beloved of God
- Finding God in Our Being
- Of Goodness and Upright Living
- Listening to the Voice of God
- Friendship
- Self-Surrender
- Darkness
- Living in God
- The Breath of God
- The Silent Self
- Clenched Fists
- Restless Heart
- Hope
- Luke_6:27-38
- Clearing away the Cobwebs
- Jesus Reaching Out to Us
- To Love as a Child
- Making Our Prayer a Reality
- Call-Out-To-Listeners
- Mark 10:46-52
- Letting go of Contol
- A Eucharistic People
- Will God Provide?