Episode Synopsis "Episode 5- Lebron, Lebron, and more Lebron"
On this week's episode, we talk about the fallout of Lebron going to the Los Angeles Lakers and what that means for the future of the NBA. We have an exclusive recording of a sit down meeting between Lebron and Magic Johnson. Oh and we also discuss other stuff that happened in the NBA that doesn't involve Lebron, which is also entertaining.
Listen "Episode 5- Lebron, Lebron, and more Lebron"
More episodes of the podcast Sports Lampoon
- Episode 7- "New York, New York" - Red Sox Edition
- Episode 6- The Dumpster Fire That is the New York Giants
- Episode 5- Lebron, Lebron, and more Lebron
- Episode 4- World Cup Dreams Shattered and NBA Draft Fallout
- Episode 3- NBA Draft Predictions and Lebron's Next Home
- Episode 2- World Cup Predictions and Becoming Handicappers
- Episode 1