Episode Synopsis "The Mass Exodus of 2+ million American Women from the Workforce"
Why is the pandemic hitting women harder than men? Why are Black and other women of color 26x more likely to leave the workforce than white women? What is invisible work? How can we support and hire women back into the workforce? Find out by listening to our interview with Cat Breet of Arbez Inc. Cat has over 20 years of recruiting and consulting experience and offers her expertise on what leaders and organizations can do to help. Access Cat’s Priority Scorecard here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.arbez.com/priority-scorecard-women__;!!Os7eWUw!8rqYkNUgBArMfw7cOeORFQ3kqmOYIkl8rHMHWEkXCREc95lE92rFssVTMffwBA$