Sphaera Chat #4 - Emma on The Fibonacci Sequence, Fractals and the Mandelbrot Set

Sphaera Chat #4 - Emma on The Fibonacci Sequence, Fractals and the Mandelbrot Set

Sphaera Chat

29/07/2020 9:01AM

Episode Synopsis "Sphaera Chat #4 - Emma on The Fibonacci Sequence, Fractals and the Mandelbrot Set"

Sphaera chat is a student led initiative to share and highlight knowledge for STEM curious students.   This week, Emma, BSc in Mathematics from The University of Manchester, is going to talk to us about the Fibonacci Sequence, fractals and their link with the Mandelbrot Set.   Full video available at: https://youtu.be/bZ722slyN9A Join in on the next Sphaera chat !  Reach us at [email protected]   http://sphaera.live

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