Free To Focus - What It Costs Us! By SpeakUp Arena!

Free To Focus - What It Costs Us! By SpeakUp Arena!

SpeakUp Arena Podcast

29/05/2020 11:29PM

Episode Synopsis "Free To Focus - What It Costs Us! By SpeakUp Arena! "

How many hours you dedicate to your? How many hours you spend with your family? I want you think about both the questions and then think.... Who is more important in your life and who is getting more attention from you. Sometimes in our lives, we start focussing more upon our work than our family which is okay for a certain period, because I do understand there something known as struggling period. But the problem starts when you start making this new schedule a part of your life, until it becomes a habit....And at the end, it's the family that pays the price and you (unknowingly) too. But you realize much later...Think about it!!

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