Episode Synopsis "Life Is A Blind Race , Ep #9"
Life is a blind race.No matter ,what world or industry you're in ,it can be easy to think of your environment as cut throat or competitive ,especially if the pressure to succeed is constant and intense. Competing with and comparing yourself to others can set you up for jealousy,stress and exhaustion.Listen to the story and stay tuned....
Listen "Life Is A Blind Race , Ep #9"
More episodes of the podcast Sparkling Minds Shivangi Sharma
- Life Is A Blind Race , Ep #9
- Scary Story : A Mysterious Phone Call,Ep#8
- Winning Is Not Everything, Episode # 7
- A Brazilian Man Buries Million Dollar Bentley To Prove A Point : Real Life Story Of Chiquinho Scarpa, Ep# 6
- Where There Is A Will , There Is Always A Way... Ep#5
- Story of a Sea Captain , Ep#4
- Practice Vs Good Opportunity Episode 3
- Motivational Story : Episode #2 ,Stone's Worth
- ज़िंदगी जीने का फलसफ़ा: हिरन की तलाश