Episode Synopsis "December 6, 2009 - A Christmas Series - Unwrap the Presence of God"
Welcome to the Southside Bible Fellowship Podcast. In this sermon Pastor Justin Knight starts called A Christmas Series - Unwrapping the Presence of God. This sermon was delivered on December 6, 2009 and speaks to the presence of Hope and references Luke 2:25. If this sermon blesses you or if you would like more information about us, you can visit our website at www.southsidebible.com or email us at [email protected]. Copyright 2009 Southside Bible Fellowship.
Listen "December 6, 2009 - A Christmas Series - Unwrap the Presence of God"
More episodes of the podcast Southside Bible Fellowship
- The Resurrection of Jesus. What Does It Mean For Us Daily?
- Resurrection Sunday 2010
- Experiencing...Expressing God's Grace - Side By Side
- February 14, 2010 - The Centrality of Love
- February 7, 2010 - Strongholds
- January 31, 2010 - Free to Worship
- January 10, 2010 - The Power of God
- December 27, 2009 - Savoring the Savior
- December 20, 2009 - A Christmas Series - Unwrapping the Presence of God
- December 13, 2009 - A Christmas Series - Unwrap the Presence of God
- December 6, 2009 - A Christmas Series - Unwrap the Presence of God
- November 29, 2009 - The Thanksgiving Process
- November 25, 2009 - Thanksgiving Service
- November 22, 2009 - The Power of Thanksgiving
- The One Another's "We should love one another" - October 10, 2009
- "In the Grip of Grace" The One Anothers October 4 2009
- The One Another's of Scripture - September 27, 2009
- Forgiveness/ The First Step of Grace - September 20, 2009