(EP 1) Pilot/2018 Bowman Talk/Investments/ MLB Player's MLB the Show 20 Online League!

(EP 1) Pilot/2018 Bowman Talk/Investments/ MLB Player's MLB the Show 20 Online League!


11/04/2020 5:06PM

Episode Synopsis "(EP 1) Pilot/2018 Bowman Talk/Investments/ MLB Player's MLB the Show 20 Online League!"

I know this episode isnt perfect but we will improve as we go along! Thank you for your support! The very first Episode of the SouthernBreaks Podcast! In this episode: Introducing myself What i pc/ invest in 2018 Bowman  MLB The Show 20 Player's League Twitter: https://twitter.com/SouthernBreaks

Listen "(EP 1) Pilot/2018 Bowman Talk/Investments/ MLB Player's MLB the Show 20 Online League!"

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