Episode Synopsis "God Will Restore You"
Are you feeling oppressed and depressed by Satan's interference in your life? Are you at your wits-end? There was a man in the Bible named Job, who was tested and tried but yet he remained faithful to God. As we reflect on his life today, remember nothing came into the life of Job which did not first go through the hands of his loving God. Every page of scripture points to a sovereign God – from the creation account in Genesis to the return of Christ in Revelation. Our God is in complete control. Likewise, God is in complete control of your life. Whatever suffering you are experiencing right now, God may allow this in order to draw his presence into sharp relief. Shading out what we thought was so important and giving us a greater appreciation for his perfect love and grace. "I know that my redeemer lives,and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!" Job 19:25-27 (New International Version) ***CORRECTION: The Proverbs quote is attributed to Solomon, NOT David.*** ***CORRECTION: The Philippians quote is attributed to Paul NOT Jesus.***