Episode Synopsis "The Collect"
Listen "The Collect"
More episodes of the podcast Solemn Sung Eucharist 15 June
- Introit: O Sacrum Convivium
- Welcome
- Prayers of Penitence
- Kyrie (Messe solennelle)
- The Absolution
- Gloria (Messe Solennelle)
- The Collect
- Reading
- Gradual: Psalm 8
- The Gospel
- The Sermon
- Credo: III
- Prayers of Intercession
- The Peace
- Hymn 145 (NEH): All hail, adored Trinity;
- Eucharistic Prayer
- Sanctus (Messe Solennelle)
- Benedictus (Messe Solennelle)
- Post Sanctus Prayer
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Fraction
- Communion Sentence
- Invitation to Communion
- Agnus Dei (Messe Solennelle)
- Prayer after Communion
- Hymn 146 (NEH): Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
- The Blessing and Dismissal
- Organ Voluntary: Final (Symphonie III)