So Dipped In Flavor, I Drip With Style

Just doin this for kicks mostly, but on a deeper level I want to do good in the world and help others... The best way to achieve said results with maximum effectiveness based on my abilities and means is by imparting a little bit of my life philosophy unto others so that they may see the world how I see it. Instead of a dark damp and gloomy Place full of untrustworthy and sinister individuals who prey on the weak and only care for themselves, when in reality at least according to psychological research and statistical analysis the world is getting better most people are basically good and pretty soon it's going to get really f****** good this technology is going to Skyrocket exponentially faster than it has before not dissimilar to the US national debt charts all the way up until Bush and Obama so get ready boys and girls because I just might be able to help you live life better be angry virtually never and appreciate every situation so that no matter what's going on core deep level you are happy and nothing in the world can take that happiness away from you except yourself. Life is 10% about what happens to you and 90% about how you deal with that 10%. Veterans get their legs blown off and then become world champion sprinters in the Paralympics and so ultimately they got rich and famous for running... With no legs to speak of. Oh yes as I ramble on and on trust and believe the conductor of my thought train is a drunken buffoon who already has his retirement set and good and he's basically run out of f**** to give a long time ago in regards to making sure the train gets to the right destination on time and with all the right passengers so expect frequent turns and backtracking and long periods of time spent lost wandering the woods looking for the tracks because I wandered off to pee and got lost but in reality that couldn't happen to me cuz I'm a boss a real boss can't take no loss you have to brush your teeth before you use the floss, im gonna take her out to dinner, maybe italian, ladies call me a stallion, but then later we may have some spaghetti, this time imma be the pasta, shes the sauce, if you can't go fast enough use nos, obviously factor in the excessive cost but just know that all this time, on the drop of a pen or quicker than a cop burstin in, my arnsenal was ready and steady to go, that is im always strapped but I refer to my flow, its on point next level laced up, its all fuckin good but once in a while I really wish a nigga would, I really wish a nigga would so that this Nigga REALLY COULD Hah p.s. rap is fun!

So Dipped In Flavor, I Drip With Style

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