Episode Synopsis "Ron and cole"
RC cola
Listen "Ron and cole"
More episodes of the podcast Slapshot Regatta
- Playoff push!
- Commish Chuggz
- 50 is back
- Hey now! Nicky o!
- Holla holla what what
- Cesc
- Bigf and Brew
- Booz Cruz - let’s set sail!
- Week 1 recap with Channel 4 News
- Szn 4 Draft Recap
- Semi finaks
- Playoff
- 10
- Beefer
- Booz
- Nicky o
- Noleche
- Yon
- Amar
- Chillz
- Chuggz
- Cesc and RJ
- Champ
- Ron and cole
- Bad
- Recap
- Bops
- Nicky o
- Cole
- Bigf
- Amar week 6
- Week 4 - Chuggz
- Slapshot regatta week 3