Buzz Osborne Keeps (the) Melvins Great and Does Wonders for Skeeveland Too

Buzz Osborne Keeps (the) Melvins Great and Does Wonders for Skeeveland Too


25/01/2019 9:20PM

Episode Synopsis "Buzz Osborne Keeps (the) Melvins Great and Does Wonders for Skeeveland Too"

With drummer Dale Crover, guitarist Buzz Osborne founded (the) Melvins somewhere back in the 1940s and has maintained the band as a raging dominant force in contemporary musical culture for longer than some of his most swooning critics have been alive. Osborne confesses a string of counterintuitive passions (golf, for instance) on his visit to Skeeveland.

Listen "Buzz Osborne Keeps (the) Melvins Great and Does Wonders for Skeeveland Too"

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