Episode Synopsis "71. Interaction of Gunas"
Listen "71. Interaction of Gunas"
More episodes of the podcast Sivaprasad's Podcast
- 72. Prisioner of Perceptions.
- 71. Interaction of Gunas
- 70. Give Time a Chance
- 69. Actor as well as Audience
- 68. Lead By Example
- 67. Concerned And Un-concerned
- 65. Selfless Actions hold Supreme Power
- 64. Always do your best
- 63, Delusion and Hypocrisy
- 62. Renunciation of 'I'
- 60. Despondency to Enlightenment
- 59. Physically Awake and Spiritually Asleep.
- 58. Desires and Four Stages of Life.
- 57. Centred in the Middle.
- 56. Cause and Effect in Spirituality
- 55. Vicious and Virtuous Cycles
- 54. Automaticity of Indriyas (senses)
- 53. Dropping the Longing for Sense Objects
- 52. Wisdom is to Know when to Withdraw
- 51. Aversion is also an attachment