This eight-part series explores the history and themes of works and composers on San Francisco Performances’ 2020–21 Season. Each episode enlists the deep knowledge and razor-sharp wit of SFP music historian-in-residence, Robert “Bob” Greenberg. Informative, entertaining, and perhaps a tad bit irreverent, the BobCasts offer a digital survey of popular composers and musical genres.
Latest episodes of the podcast SF Performances: The BobCasts
- Episode 8—The Impact of Andalucían Flamenco on Spanish Song and Dance
- Episode 7—The Guitar and the Art of the Transcription
- Episode 6—Why All the Fuss About Beethoven?
- Episode 5—Sergei Prokofiev: The Pianistic Steel Trust
- Episode 4—Mozart’s “Prussian” String Quartets
- Episode 3—The Original Fab Four
- Episode 2—Wintereisse
- Episode 1—Yours For A Song
- The Bob Casts Trailer