Sewing Community

A podcast where quilters, tailors, fashion designers, garment industry workers, and fabric/textile artists from Westchester, NY share personal stories and family histories related to sewing and fabric. ArtsWestchester, the officially designated arts council for Westchester County, is working with Amanda Browder, a Brooklyn-based fabric artist, to transform a 9-story building in downtown White Plains into a cascading colorful, large-scale fabric installation called METROPOLIS SUNRISE. All of the stories heard in this podcast are from individuals involved in the building of this monumental work of public art. While this project is currently on hold because of COVID-19, our hope is that these stories, will in some small way, sustain and deepen the social fabric of community. Sewing Community is part of ArtsWestchester's Folk Arts Program, made possible in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.

Sewing Community

Latest episodes of the podcast Sewing Community