Hazel and Vicky chat about their sewing machines.

Hazel and Vicky chat about their sewing machines.

Sew Fabulous Chatting

25/08/2023 10:53AM

Episode Synopsis "Hazel and Vicky chat about their sewing machines."

In this episode learn all about the different sewing machines we have used over the years and the ones we would really love to have! Join our brand new Facebook Group here - ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/sewfabulousfabricsclub/⁠⁠ and find a step by step video tutorial to make Hazel's Zig Zag bag which is a free download when you join the group. Find Hazel, and sign up for her newsletter here - ⁠⁠www.hazelapatterns.co.uk⁠⁠ and read her blog ⁠⁠here⁠⁠. Find Vicky, and sign up for her newsletter here - ⁠⁠www.sewfabulousfabrics.co.uk ⁠⁠ and read her blog ⁠⁠Fabulous Sewing!⁠⁠ We promise we won't spam you!

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