SERVING UP SALES! with Damian Johnson

Sales is the magic elixir for every business. Period. Every business needs a strong sales function to not only survive but also thrive. A business can recover from many missteps in its growth journey, including operational inefficiencies, bad product and marketing decisions but sales is what brings in the revenue to keep the doors open and the lights on. You’ll never see a company go out of business because it has too many sales! In the Serving Up Sales show, we cover all aspects of the sales process including mindset as well as the tips, techniques and tools to increase closing rates and make the cash register ring. Ching Ching!   Each episode has additional written information your might find helpful. Here is a complete listing of Show Notes. Want to continue the conversation? Add your thoughts in the comments section available at the bottom of each page of notes on the site. Simply click "read more" and let's get the conversations started!

SERVING UP SALES! with Damian Johnson

Latest episodes of the podcast SERVING UP SALES! with Damian Johnson