Episode Synopsis "One Body, Many Members"
In our text, Paul described the church as a body made up of different parts that all function together. Recognizing this should lead us to value our brethren. It should also lead us to recognize our own value in the church. So we are going to talk about what Paul said about the body and the members that make up the parts of it.
Listen "One Body, Many Members"
More episodes of the podcast Sermons – Eastside church of Christ
- A Christian’s Ambition
- The Spirit as a Pledge (Part 2)
- The Spirit as a Pledge (Part 1)
- A Disciple’s Influence
- The Problem with Ecumenism
- The Example of Those Who Fell in the Wilderness (Part 2)
- The Example of Those Who Fell in the Wilderness (Part 1)
- One Body, Many Members
- Living for Christ
- Being Taught by God