Episode Synopsis "A Chosen Church"
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More episodes of the podcast Sermons
- "This Wasn't Gibberish"
- Who's the New Guy
- Hi, Theophilus
- The Resurrection
- Jesus is Dead and Buried
- Jesus Is Crucified
- Jesus Before Pilate
- Jesus Before the Sanhedrin
- Judas Betrays Jesus
- Gethsemane Was Not An Accident
- Walk in Love as Christ Loved You
- "Do This in Remembrance of Me"
- The Ministry of John the Baptist
- Jesus the Christ, The Son of God
- Obedient Ministry and Conduct
- He is Not Here, But Has Risen
- Good Friday
- Stand Firm
- Where is Your Mind
- You are Worthy
- Growing in Faith and in Love
- A Sinner, Saved by Grace
- He Will Surely Do It
- Live in Peace with One Another
- Stay Awake and Alert for the Lord's Return
- Love One Another Until the Lord Returns
- Walking in Holiness
- A Walk That Pleases God
- I Resolve: Part 2
- I Resolve: Part 1
- What Child is This?
- Word of God, Christian Reponse
- The Marks of Paul's Ministry
- The Gospel on Display
- A Chosen Church
- The Distinguishing Mark of the Church
- A Church Born Out of Persecution
- Deacon and Elder Confirmation
- Limited Atonement
- Unconditional Election
- Total Depravity
- What's In a Name
- The Charge to Younger Men
- Rest in The Lord
- The Charge to Older and Younger Women Part 2
- The Charge to Older and Younger Women Part 1