Sefer Hamitzvos Daily study - Rabbi Chaim Wolosow

B”H The study of the daily portion of the Sefer Hamitzvos of the Rambam is meant for those who find it too difficult to follow the more intense study of the Mishnah Torah of the Rambam. The Rebbe instituted learning daily about the same commandments being studied in the 3 chapter per day track, concluding all 613 mitzvahs each year. The podcast are the recorded daily classes given by Rabbi Chaim Wolosow in Chabad of Sharon, MA Study Schedule for Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvos 4 Tammuz, 5781‐17 Iyar, 5782 — 41th yearly cycle

Sefer Hamitzvos Daily study - Rabbi Chaim Wolosow

Latest episodes of the podcast Sefer Hamitzvos Daily study - Rabbi Chaim Wolosow