Episode Synopsis "Completely Changing the Game"
This episode is also available as a blog post: https://scottattoyota.wordpress.com/2021/02/20/completely-changing-the-game/ Time to write down goals. Time to go to Mars and we going to keep on pushing baby till we get what we want!!! My mindset is on making $5 million in one year and taking the action to achieve this. What does this included? 1. More follow up than humanly possible. Get so good that word of mouth marketing 20x’s your income. Be on fire all the time. Be the game changer. The guy who everyone needs to get the job done. Every deal matters. When I get involved deals close fast, make maximum profit and create life long repeat customers who also refer their friends and the cycle repeats itself. Gresham Toyota: https://www.greshamtoyota.com/ sweet deals here every day you can count on it Get $20 for Starting a Stash Account: https://get.stash.com/scott_q8jjqjj Get $5 for Starting an Acorns Account: https://www.acorns.com/invite/?code=YPGH8A Two Free Stock up to $1200 for starting WeBull Account: https://act.webull.com/iv/jI4zgvIh5y84/lu8/inviteUs/recommend_1674_A_advert Two Free Stock for Starting Robinhood Account: https://join.robinhood.com/scottm1092 My Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCydQrWp971R0NFJWPXwR-iA My Blog: http://scottattoyota.wordpress.com/ My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/infinitely_scott/?hl=en $10 Bitcoin for Creating CoinBase Account: http://coinbase.com/join/moser_c3?src=ios-link Join Thrive Market & Save: http://thrv.me/jsXQth Use Honey to Find Deals Online: https://www.joinhoney.com/ref/evtojk Get $200 for new Chase Customers to Open Up a Checkings Account: https://accounts.chase.com/raf/share/1530903623 Get a 5 Million Dollar Mindset! ScottM @ Gresham Toyota https://linktr.ee/Infinitely_scott