Episode Synopsis "Transforming High-Impact Stories Into Grant Funding - Margit Brazda Poirier, Grants4Good | Ep.2 S.2"
In this episode, we welcome Margit Brazda Poirier (CEO and Founder, Grants4Good) to our Office Hours series. We explore Margit's commitment to assisting nonprofit organizations in securing grant funding. Over the past eleven years, Grants4Good has helped to raise over 20 million for its clients. We’ll explore questions like: What steps lead to successful grant preparation? What should high-performing nonprofits consider when preparing proposals? And, what makes for a productive and strong grantor/grantee relationship?
Listen "Transforming High-Impact Stories Into Grant Funding - Margit Brazda Poirier, Grants4Good | Ep.2 S.2"
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- Transforming High-Impact Stories Into Grant Funding - Margit Brazda Poirier, Grants4Good | Ep.2 S.2
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- Trailer