Episode Synopsis "Heart Chakra: Love and Lockdown"
The Anahata / Heart Chakra is the seat of love, kindness, and compassion and I think we can all agree that this pandemic has taken a toll on our love lives. In this episode, Sihnuu and Imani explore ways in which being quarantined for 8 months has shifted the way we view and experience love with others and ourselves. Listen to the end for a Heart Chakra inspired journaling and practical application prompt.
Listen "Heart Chakra: Love and Lockdown"
More episodes of the podcast Satya House Wellness
- Crown Chakra: Doorway to Divinity
- Third Eye Chakra: The Oracle Self
- Throat Chakra: Silent + Speaking Volumes
- Heart Chakra: Love and Lockdown
- Solar Plexus Chakra: OPP (Owning Personal Power)
- Sacral Chakra: The Politics of Pleasure
- Root Chakra: Honoring Your Truest (Self)ie
- Satya House Podcast: | Ep 1: Meet Your Hosts!