Episode Synopsis "Columba, 521-597"
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More episodes of the podcast Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages by George Hodges
- Cyprian, 200-258
- Athanasius, 296-373
- Ambrose, 340-397
- Chrysostom, 347-407
- Jerome, 340-420
- Augustine, 354-430
- Benedict, 480-543
- Gregory the Great, 540-604
- Columba, 521-597
- Charlemagne, 742-814
- Hildebrand, 1020-1085
- Anselm, 1033-1109
- Bernard, 1091-1153
- Becket, 1118-1170
- Langton, 1170-1221
- Dominic, 1170-1228
- Francis, 1182-1226
- Wycliffe, 1320-1384
- Hus, 1373-1415
- Savonarola, 1452-1498