"What Do You Want Jesus To Do For You?" 10/24/21

"What Do You Want Jesus To Do For You?" 10/24/21

Saint Michael's Orlando

24/10/2021 2:00PM

Episode Synopsis ""What Do You Want Jesus To Do For You?" 10/24/21"

Father Rick Luoni's Sermon "What Do You Want Jesus To Do For You?" If you are just visiting, please know that we accept you wherever you are on your spiritual journey. Welcome Home! You are loved with a love you did not earn, therefore you can never lose! Want to give to our ministries, but not sure how? It's as easy as texting! Simply Text STMICHAELSORL to 73256 and follow the steps! More info here: https://wiki.acstechnologies.com/display/AccessACS/Text+Givinga Sign up for our eMessenger to Stay in Touch - http://stmichaelschurch.co/SignUpToStayinTouch Connect with us! - https://stmichaelschurch.com/contact/ Prayer Request - https://stmichaelschurch.com/prayer-request/ Your Church Home in College Park - Love God, Love Others, Serve the World

Listen ""What Do You Want Jesus To Do For You?" 10/24/21"

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