Episode Synopsis "Actions Speak Louder Than Words"
We’re in week 4 of our message series “Catholic Atheist.” We’re talking about how we profess to believe in God, but then by our thoughts and actions show that we don’t always trust God or act as if he exists.
Listen "Actions Speak Louder Than Words"
More episodes of the podcast Sacred Heart Rochelle Park Sermons
- People Always Remember How We Make Them Feel
- Jesus Gives a New Command
- Why Should We Be Good?
- God of Mercy and Compassion
- Share the Good News
- Holding Fast to One Another
- I Want to be the Stone
- The Story of the Blind Man
- Everybody Has a Hungry Heart
- Claiming Our True Identity
- Sin Versus Freedom
- You Know What You Want. Do You Know What You Need?
- Approaching, Grabbing, and Lifting Up
- We are the sowers of the seed
- Fear
- Claim Your Goodness
- The Comma
- What God Dreams For Us
- The Freedom and the Faith of John the Baptist
- Where do we Find Assurance of God's Presence in Our Lives?
- Three Gifts, Three Kings
- The Cost of Family Love
- A Response to Change History
- Celebrating A Just Christmas
- Attitude of Gratitude. Do you have it?
- Can you explain the Holy Trinity?
- Happy Birthday!
- "We've always done it that way!"
- The Advocate. The Holy Spirit.
- Leading By Example
- Do you actually know what a shepherd does?
- Would you recognize Him?
- "Peace be with you"
- Easter Sunday - Resurrection
- Holy Week: Are You Fully Connected?
- We Don't Believe We Can Change
- Actions Speak Louder Than Words
- Love Your Enemies!?
- Worry
- Small Groups and Lenten Messages