помедленнее (”a bit slower”) | Russian Pronunciation Demystified!

помедленнее (”a bit slower”) | Russian Pronunciation Demystified!

Russian Word of the Day with Kira

26/01/2025 12:00AM

Episode Synopsis "помедленнее (”a bit slower”) | Russian Pronunciation Demystified!"

If you’re NOT already a Patreon subscriber, sign up at the $5 a month level for 52 weeks of Russian phonemes with Kira at patreon.com/learnrussianwithkira – and someone go tell Reddit for me!  Счастливо!  🌷☀️🦋🌱💫

Listen "помедленнее (”a bit slower”) | Russian Pronunciation Demystified!"

More episodes of the podcast Russian Word of the Day with Kira