What We're Thankful For! | Thanksgiving Garden Tour

What We're Thankful For! | Thanksgiving Garden Tour

Row by Row Garden Show

23/11/2023 8:00PM

Episode Synopsis "What We're Thankful For! | Thanksgiving Garden Tour"

Hey Neighbor and Happy Thanksgiving! Today we are going to show you what we have growing in our gardens for our Thanksgiving feast! We grow a variety of vegetables from Beets to Mustard in preparation for the holidays. What are the best vegetables to plant for Thanksgiving? What growing in your fall garden? Get Dirty and Let's Grow Together. Top Chop Collard- https://bit.ly/3Gb9PpjRed Russian Kale- https://bit.ly/47N360LWatermelon Radish- https://bit.ly/46qKiTRSavannah Mustard- https://bit.ly/47sItaqImperial Start Spinach- https://bit.ly/49OHuCJWEBSITE - https://growhoss.com/EMAIL NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP - https://bit.ly/3CXsBAlJOIN OUR ROW BY ROW COMMUNITY:https://www.facebook.com/groups/rowbyrowFOLLOW US:Facebook - https://facebook.com/hosstools​Instagram - https://instagram.com/hossgardentools​

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