Episode Synopsis "Embraer: How the world’s third largest airplane maker sources from the USA (Brazil)"
The Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer is one of the largest manufacturers of commercial jets in the world, but only sources 18% of its content value in Brazil. It indicates the supply chain is highly global, even within an exceptionally protectionist country like Brazil.
Listen "Embraer: How the world’s third largest airplane maker sources from the USA (Brazil)"
More episodes of the podcast Roundsourcing: in a globalized world, opportunities for sourcing goods, services, talent, technology and ideas come from anywhere around the globe.
- Final Thoughts From Brazil
- The iPhone and Us- should China or U.S.A. assemble iPhones?
- Interview With Alana Portes, International Analyst for the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil)
- Interview with Fabiana Kent Paiva at the FINIT Innovation Fair(Brazil)
- Interview with Tulio Teixeira, international business analyst for FIEMG in Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
- Embraer: How the world’s third largest airplane maker sources from the USA (Brazil)
- The intertwining economies of the North and South American Giants (Brazil)
- Will Britain Exit Brexit?