This Podcast is dedicatingly dedicated to LOGIC !! That you will in various forms like Social, Economical, Entertainment. Philosophy, Mental health,my opinion/reviews and the the list goes on....
Latest episodes of the podcast Roll With Himanshu
- Love Matters Series | Cherish every phase of the life ,life that you have as a bachelor ,rhyming all way long!
- Love Matters Series | Rhyme the hymn for your valentine
- Love Matters Series | rhyme for your loved ones
- Love Matters Series | Happy birthday my baby
- Love Matters Series | the chocolate day special day rhyme
- Love Matters Series | the rhyming rose day
- The Intro | Don't you dare sit idle ,just roll with Himanshu
- Love Matters Series | with my rhymes is say don't get indulged so much in work that you forget that what matters the most!
- Roll With Himanshu (Trailer)
- News Room - Indian Economy | All you need to know about boycotting made in china | One simple solution