Rockstart's Podcast

Is it possible to create a Zero Carbon Society by 2050? Listen to our podcast discussion with Rockstart’s Smart Energy Program Director Freerk Bisschop and Kees van der Leun, Managing Director of Ecofys as they discuss how the Internet of Energy Things and entrepreneurship will play a big part in driving this change. Climate Change is widespread and consequential, but there are scenarios that can be made for a Zero Carbon Society by 2050. The technology to create a Zero Carbon Society is already here through renewable energy and the Internet of Things technologies. The deployment of this technology will be the crucial tipping point, making these Zero Carbon scenarios work, and it will be internet technology that enables it. We can’t solely rely on big players to take care of this transition. We need bottoms-up initiatives created by individuals, communities and entrepreneurs. To evolve we need to experiment, develop new business models, deploy new technologies without the vested interest a big player brings. This is the reason smaller players will be the ones forcing the industry to adapt – forcing them to play a new game.

Rockstart's Podcast

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