Episode Synopsis "Secrets Purim Meshulash"
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More episodes of the podcast RM Daf
- Rosh HaShana Daf 23
- Rosh HaShana 22
- Haye Sara
- Eating Kosher
- Rosh HaShana Daf 17
- Yesod #154
- Rosh HaShana Daf 16
- 10-22-22 Parashat_Vayera._Why_did_Sara_laugh
- 10-21-21 Perashat Vayera Lot and Sedom
- Rosh HaShanna Daf 12
- Yesod Class #151.
- Rosh HaShana Daf 11
- Shir HaShirim Class # 3
- Sukot Luxury of Clouds of Glory
- Sukah 49
- Tehillim #51
- Sukah daf 48
- Ki Tese Honesty
- Yona Perek 2
- Sukah daf 46
- Parasha Ki Tese
- Sukah 44
- Sukah 43
- Sukah daf 42
- Tehillim 50
- Sukah Daf 41
- Succa Daf 40
- Elul Dodi Teshuva
- Shofar Elul Shoftim
- Yona Perek 1
- Succa Daf 39
- Tehilim Chapter 49
- Succa Daf 28
- Suca Daf 14
- Suca Daf 8
- Yoma 78
- Yoma Daf 87
- Yoma Daf 85
- Yoma Daf 84
- Pinhas
- Eicha Perek 2
- Yoma Daf 82
- Yesod #114
- Yoma Daf 81
- Siman class#5
- Yesod #114
- Yesod #113
- Yoma Daf 80
- Yesod #112
- Siman 90 Part 4
- Tehilim Perek 46
- Yoma Daf 79
- Daf 78
- Siman 90 part 3
- Halacha Daf 78
- Halacha daf 78
- Yesod #111
- Siman 90 Part 1 and 2
- Haftara Hukat Part 2
- Eicha Megilah Perek 1
- Parasha Balak
- Yesod #109
- Yoma Daf 77
- Yoma Daf 73
- Tehilim 42 43
- Yesod #108
- Siman 90 Class #1
- Yesod #107
- Yoma Daf 72
- Yesod #106
- Haftara Hukat Part 1
- Siman 89 Part 1 & 2
- Yoma Daf 71
- Parasha Hukat
- Did Korach
- Yesod 102
- Yesod #99
- Shelah The Real Sin of the Spies. (Thursday night)
- Shulchan Siman 75
- Yesod #97
- Zohar Pekudai 1
- Sodot Amidah Shababt
- Tehilim 29
- Haftra Bamidbar
- Siman 72 73 74
- Misva 9
- Daf 50
- Misva 8
- BeAlotecha Thursday Night
- BeAhalotecha Friday morning
- Pirke Abot 4_1 Learn from Everything
- Tehilim 38
- Siman 68 & 69
- Naso Origin of Sotah
- Siman 67 class #1
- Hodesh Sivan
- SA Siman 66 class #1
- SA Siman 66
- Ruth perek 4
- Tehillim 68
- 05-13-21 Shavuot and Thanksgiving (Thursday Night Class) .m4a
- Hilchot Tom Tob 496 #2
- Yoma Daf 32
- Hilchot Yom Tob 496 class #1
- Zohar Vyakhel 6
- Yoma 28
- Yesod #84
- Hilchot Shavout 1 & 2
- Zohar Vayakhel 5
- Ruth Perek 3
- Siman 38
- Tehilim Chapter 36
- Siman 64 & 65
- Siman 44 & 45
- Pirkei Abot 4-15 Meron
- Yoma Daf 22
- Zohar Vayakel 3
- Shulcahn Aruch Simab 41 & 42
- Yesod Class #81
- Yoma Daf 20
- Lag Ba’ Omer Seuda
- Megilat Rut Perek 2
- Yoma Daf 19
- Pirkei Abot 4-13 Rashbi
- Yoma Daf 18
- Yoma Daf 17
- Shulchan Siman 40
- Yesod # 80
- Shulchan Aruch Siman 38 part 2
- Yoma Daf 16
- Shulchan Aruch Siman 39
- Yesod #79
- Yesod #78
- Yoma Daf 15
- Yoma Daf 14
- SA Siman 38
- Yesod #77
- Rut. Perek 1
- Pirkei abot 3-8
- Daf 12 hilchot mezuza part 2
- Tehilim Chapter 25
- Yesod #75
- Shulchan Aruch 35/37
- Zohar Vayakhel 1
- Shulchan Aruch Siman 34
- Zohar Vayakhel 1
- Hilchot Yoma Daf 8
- SA Siman 33
- SA Siman 31
- SA Siman 30
- Shulchan Aruch Siman 29
- Yesod #73
- Siman 29
- Yesod #71
- Zohar Ki Tisa 6
- Hidush Haran yoma Daf 4
- Pirkei Abot 4/11
- Zohar Ki Tisa 5
- Zohar Ki Tisa 4
- Zohar Ki Tisa 3
- Zohar Ki Tisa 2
- Zohar Ki Tisa 1
- Zohar tesave 3
- SA Siman 20-24
- SA Siman 27 & 28
- Tehilim Chapter 34
- Tehilim Chapter 33
- Pirkei Aboy 1:2
- SA Siman 7
- Zohar Tesave 2
- Zohar Tesave 1
- SA Siman 20 23 24
- 03-22-21 Hagadah Hidush
- Pesach 4 cups
- Haftara Vayikra
- Daf 24
- Pesachim Daf 117
- Zohar Teruma Class #11
- Pesachim Daf 117
- Yesod Pesach part 1 #
- Zohar Teruma class 10
- Pesachim Daf 116
- Zohar Teruma class #9
- Zohar Teruma 8
- Tehilim chapter 26
- Zohar Teruma class #7
- Ki Tisa Luchot
- Zohar Teruma # 6
- Zohar Teruma class #5
- Tehilim Chapter 22
- Teruma Zohar class #4
- Secrets Purim Meshulash
- Zohar Teruma #3
- Zohar teruma -#2
- Zohar Mishpatim #7
- Zohar Mishpatim #6
- Zohar Mishpatim 5
- ZhoAr mish 4
- Mishpatim Zohar #3
- Rav Mechel Purim Amalek
- Zohar Teruma Class #1
- Tehilim Chapter 136
- Hesed of Yitro Purim
- Yesod #65 Purim part 4
- Yesod Purim # 64part 3
- Yesod 63 Purim Part 2
- Haftara Zachor
- Yesod #62 Purim
- Pele Yoetz Pachad
- Zohar Mishpatim class 3
- Hilchot Purim 2
- Megilah 7-10
- Zohar Mishpatim 2
- Parasha Mishpatim
- Yesod #61
- 02-11-21 Hilchot Purim part 1
- Tehilim chapter 25
- Megilah perek 3-6
- 02-10-21 Shulchan Aruch 6
- 02-10-21 AH Siman 6
- Yesod #60
- Zohar Mishpatim #1
- 02-09-21 AH Siman 6
- Yesod 59
- Yitro Zohar 6
- Hodesh Adar
- Yesod 58
- 2-8-21 SA Siman 5
- 2-8-21 AH Siman 5
- Pesachim 79
- Zohar Yitro class #5
- Daf 78
- 02-07-21 Shulhan Aruch Siman 4 21-23
- Yesod #57
- Yitro haftar
- Parasha Yitro
- 02-04-21 Shulchan Siman 4
- Yesod 56
- Tehilim 31
- Zohar Yitro #3
- Yesod 54
- Yesod 53
- Zohar yitro 1
- Pesachim 69
- Pesachim 68
- Zohar Beshalah -#5
- Zohar Beshlch 4
- Pesachim 67
- Pesachim 64
- Zohar beshalah 3
- Peschaim 66
- Pesachim 65
- 01-25-21 Zohar Beshalach 2
- 01-24-21 Zohar Beshalach 1
- Bo Zohar
- Rav Benayahu Bo
- Zohar Bo 3
- 01-19-21 Yesod 52
- Zohar Bo #2
- 01-18-21 Yesod 51!
- 01-18-21 AH Siman 2
- Rabbi Mansour Vaera
- Rav Meyer YDE Vaera
- Zohar Bo 1
- Tehilim chapter 24
- 1-13-21 Yesod 50
- Pesachim 53
- Intro to Sefer Shemot
- 01-11-21 Zohar Vaera 2
- 01-11-21 Shelomo and Solika Rosh Hodesh Series. “Hodesh Shevat”
- R Benayahu Vaera
- 01-11-21 AH Siman 2
- Pesachim Daf 50
- Support of Torah
- 01-10-21 Vaera Zohar
- Haftra Vayesheb
- 01-10-21 AH Siman 1 class 4
- 01-08-21 Shemot
- 01-07-21 Zohar Shemot 4
- 01-07-21 AH Siman 1 Intro 2
- 01-06-21 Zohar Shemot 3
- Tehilim Chapter 21
- Pirkei Abotb 2 8
- 01-06-21 AH Siman 1
- 01-06-21 Yesod #47
- 01-05-20 Zohar Shemot 2
- Rav Benuahu Shemot
- 01-03-21 Zohar Shemot class 1
- Haftara Vayechi
- 12-30-20 Zohar Vayechi #8
- 12-29-20 Zohar Vayehi #6
- 12-30-20 Yesod #46
- 12-28-20 Yesod #45
- 12-28-20 Zohar Class #28
- 12-27-20 Zohar Vayhei class 4
- Pesachim 36
- 12-27-20 Yesod #44
- Parasha Vayigash
- Hafatra Vayigash
- 12-24-20 Zohar Vayehi :”3
- 12-24-20 Yesod #43
- Revised Tehilim 23
- Tehilim chapter 23
- 12-23-20 Yesod classa#42
- 12-22-20 Zohar Vayechi #2
- 12-21-20 Zohar Vayechi #1
- 12-21-20 Zohar Vayigash 2
- Secrets month of Tebet
- Rav Benayahu Vayigash
- 12-20-20 Yesod #40
- 12-20-20 Zohar Miketz #1
- 12-21 Yesod #41
- 12-17-20 Baruch-Kavanat Beracha
- Rav Benayahu Miketz
- Haftara Miketz
- Miketz Zohar 3
- Tehilim 104
- Zohar Miketz #2
- 12-14-20 Zohar Miketz #1
- 12-14-20 Yesod #37
- Kavanot Hanukah
- 12-09-20 Zohar Perashat Vayesheb #4
- Tehillim chapter 30 Hanukah
- Pesachim 18
- 12-08-20 Zohar Vayesheb class 3
- 12-07-20 Zohar Perashat Vayesheb #2
- 12-07-20 Secret of Hanuka-Yabok
- 12-06-20 Zohar Vayesheb class #1
- Rav Benayahu Vayesheb
- Hafara Vayislach
- 12-04-20 Parash Vayislach
- 12-03-20 Zohar Vayishlach class #3
- 12-02-20 Zohar Vayislach class 2
- Tehilim perek 20
- Rav Benayau Vayishlach
- Parasha Toldot
- 11–19]= Yesod 27
- Haftara Toldot
- Siyum Erubin
- Rav Benayahu Toldot
- Pirke about 1 18
- Tehilim chapter 19
- 11-18-20 Yeaod 26
- 11-17-20 Yesod 25
- 11-16-20 Secrets Hodesh Kislev
- 11-16-20 Yesod 24
- 11–15-20 Yesod 23
- 11-13-20 Yesod 22
- Haftra Haye Sara
- 11-13-20 Parasha Haye Sara
- 11-12-20 Yesod Class 21
- 11-11-10 Yesod class 20
- Tehilim Chapter 18
- Tehilim chapter 18
- 11-10-20 Yesod 19
- 11-09-20 Yesod Veshoresh class 18 .
- 11-08-20 Yesod #17
- 11-06-20 Haftara Vayera
- 11-06-20 Vayera
- 11-04-20 Yesod Ve Shoresh 15
- Tehilim Chapter 17
- Yesod VeShoresh 14
- 11-02-20 Yesod 13
- 10-25-20 Yesod #7
- Yesod 12
- 11-01-20 Siman 375 1-4.m4a
- Haftara Lech Lecha
- Lech Lecha Yishmael and Kal Vahomer
- Lech lecha
- Yesod 11
- Yesod Ave Shoresh 10
- Tehilim Chapter 15
- Tehilim Chapter 14
- 10-26-AH Siman 372 4-5.m4a
- 10-26-20 AH Siman 372 12-15.m4a
- Yesod #9
- Yesod #8
- 10-25-20 yesod veshoresh class 7.m4a
- 10-25-20 halachot Eruvin siman 346.m4a
- 10-25-20 halachot Eruvin siman 372.m4a
- Haftara YK
- 10-23-20 OH Shaar Atik Perek 1.
- Yesod 6
- Noach
- Tehilim Chapter 13
- Yesod #5
- Rav Benayahu Noach
- 10-19-20 Hodesh Heshvan
- YV #3
- YV Class #2
- YV Clas #1
- Haftara Beresheet
- 10–16-20 Parasha Beresheet
- Tehilim Chapter 12
- Haftra Simhat Torah
- Haftra Shemni Asret
- Rav Benayahu Beresheet
- Pele Yoetz Sukkot
- Jaguars 2nd sukot
- Erubin 53
- Haftara 1st day sukot
- Erubin Daf 54
- 09-29-20 Erubin Daf 51.m4a
- Laws of eating on sukkah
- Tehilim 11
- 09-29-20 AH Siman 409 11-12
- Key to answering prayers
- SK Intro Lulav
- Tehillim 10
- Rav Benayhau YK
- Eduyot Chapter 3-8
- Eduyoy 1-4
- RH and Shababt
- Mishna Shevout
- Erubin 38
- Tehilim 9
- 09-29-2019 Halachot Rosh Hashana.mp3
- Mishan Shevout Chapter 1-4
- 09-10-20 AH Siman 409 2.m4a
- Shower on Yom Tob
- Rav Benayahu Netzavim-VaYelech
- Tehilim 8
- 09-09-20 AH Siman 409 7.m4a
- 09-09-20 AH 386 8.m4a
- 0907-20 AH Siman 386 6.m4a
- 0907-20 AH Siman 386 6.m4a
- Rosh Hashana on Shabat_Halachot
- 09-06-20 AH Siman 386 5.m4a
- 09-04-20 Elul Mazal
- Hodesh Elul
- Ki Tabo 3 r. Benayahu
- Rav Benayahu Ki Tabo 2
- Tehilim Perek 7
- Erubin 24
- 09-01-20 Standing During Hazara
- Erubin 23
- 08-31-20 AH Siman 362 3-6
- Erubin 21
- Erubin 22
- 08-27-20 OH
- 08-30-20 Shofar-Second Tekiot Why.m4a
- Haftara Ki Tese
- Erubin Daf 18
- 08-27-20 Amalek & Germany
- Rav Benayahu Ki Tse
- 08-26-20 Erubin Daf 17
- 08-26-20 AH Siman 363 26-34 class #3
- 08-26-20 Tehilim Perek 6 class #7
- 08-25-20 Ladies and Shofar
- 08-25-20 AH Siman 363 23-29 Class #2
- 08-24-20 AH Siman 363 1-23
- Erubin 16
- 08-23-20 Kadish with One Sefer
- Shofetim Emuna
- Minhag of Selihot and Ladies
- Minhag of Selihot and Ladies
- Tehilim Perek 5
- Erubin Daf 10
- Megilah Daf 4
- Megilah Daf 3
- Rav Benayahu Shofetim
- Erubin Daf 9
- 08-18-20 Excercising on Shabat
- Haftara Re'Eh
- 08-17-20 Erubin Daf 8
- 08-17-20 Zeroa Lehayayim and Keba to Kohen
- 08-16-20 Erubin Daf 7
- 08-16-20 Can Ladies Pray Tashlumin
- 08-16-20 AH 364 1-3 CLASS #1
- 08-13-20 Erubin Daf 4
- 08-13-20 The Yihud Room at Wedding
- Tehilim Perek 4
- Erubin Daf 3
- 08-10-20 Daat u Tvuna Class #1
- 08-11-20 Minyan with a sleeping Person
- Erubin Daf 2
- 08-09-20 Using Maaser to Buy a Rolex
- 08-10-20 In honor of Rabbi Nahum and Masechet Shabat
- 08-10-20 Rabbi Nachum Hidush Siyum Masechet Shabbat
- Megilah Daf 2
- Haftara Ekel
- Parasha Ekeb
- Shabbat Daf 154
- Shabbat Daf 153
- 08-05-20 AH Siman 63
- 08-05-20 Shabbat Daf 152
- Making Beracha on the President of USA
- Shabbat Daf 151
- Rabbi Diamond Aug 3rd 2020
- 08-03-20 AH Siman 63 class 2
- Beracha in Shiluah Hakan
- Shabbat Daf. 149
- Burying Kohen First
- Tu B Ab
- Haftara Nahamu
- 07-27-20 Parve food Cooked in Meat Pot
- Unplasterd Walls and Music-Hurban
- 07-14-20 Your Name your Pasuk-Halacha
- 07-27-20 AH Siman 63 1-2 Class 1
- 07-23-20 AH Siman 61 1-3 class 2
- 07-26-20 AH Siman 62 1-4 class 1
- 07-24-20 Parasha Devarim
- 07-24-20 Haftara Devarim
- Shabbat Daf 138
- 07-22-20 Tehilim Perek 2 Class 3
- 07-20–20 Hilula of Rashi z”l-29 Tamuz
- 07-02–20 Hilula of Rashi z”l-29 Tamuz
- 07-21-20 AH Siman 61 class 1
- 07-20-20 AH Siman 60 5 Class 2 61 1 Class 1
- 07-20-20 Shabbat Daf 136
- 07-19-20 AH Siman 60 Class 1
- 07-19-20 Shababt Daf 135
- 07-17-20 Haftara Massen
- 07-17-20 Shabbat Daf 133
- 07-17-20 Parasha Matot Masei Hehalesu Remove Yourself
- 07-16-20 AH Siman 59 Class 1
- 07-16-20 Shaba t 132
- 07-15-20 Tehilim Chapter 1
- 07-15-20 Shabbat Daf 131
- 07-14-20 AH Siman 58 1-4 class 2
- 07-14-20 Your Name your Pasuk-Halacha.m4a
- 7-13-20 Law of Kohen and Corona
- 07-13-20 OH Shaar Akudim Perek 5 Class 16
- LM1 Likutei R' Maimon Torah 28
- 07-12-20 Moving Sefer Torah to House Minyan
- 07-10-20 Haftara Pinhas Ben Hamesarim
- 07-13-20 Shabat Daf 129
- 07-13-20 AH Siman 58 1 class 1
- 07–12-20 AH Siman 57 1-2
- 07-09-20 AH Siman 56 57 Kadish 2
- 07-09-20 Shaar Akudim Perek 5 Class 14
- Perashat Pinhas-Benot Seloph’had
- LM 1 Rabbi Maimon Torah 26, 27
- 07-08-20 Intro To Tehilim
- 07-07-20 17 Tammuz on Thursday-Which Perasha
- 07-07-20 Shabbat Daf 123
- 07-07-20 AH Siman 56 1-3 Class 2
- Haftaya Balak 2
- 07-06-20 Shabat Daf 122
- 07-06-20 AH Siman 56 1-2 Class 1
- 07-06-20 The Etz Hda’at-Internet
- 07-05-20 What is Gemtaria?
- 07-05-20 Ah Siman 55 21-22 Class 6
- Shabbat Daf 121
- 07-03-20 Perashat Hukat-The Water Song.m4a
- 07-02-20 Perashat Balak-Mashiah Now.m4a
- Hukat Balak
- Soyum Mammar Geula
- 07-01-20 Halal-Hereb-Laws of Kohanim.m4a
- Shabbat 117
- Mamar Geula class 43. 44. 45
- Fertility and Halacha
- Shabbat Daf 115
- Mamar Geula 42
- Voice Activation on Shabbat
- Haftara Korach
- Shabat daf 114
- Shabbat Daf 112
- Korach salt Berit Milah
- 06-25-20 Perashat Korah-Kayin and Hebel.m4a
- 06-25-20 Aruch Hashulhan Siman 53 16-23
- Techelet and Sisit Today
- Mamar Geula Class 40,41,42
- Kevura in Eretz Yisrael
- Kevura In Eretz Yisrael
- Mamar Geula Classes 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
- 06-22-20 Mamar Geula 39
- Laws of Giving Masser
- Shabbat Daf 108
- 06-22-20 AH Siman 52:2
- 06-22-20 Weddings in Shul
- Shabbat Daf 107
- Mamar Geula Class #38
- Haftra Shelach
- Riots Hilchot Shabbat
- Ah Siman 51 6/16, 6/17 6/18
- MaMar Geula Classes 33,34,35,36,37
- MaMar Geula 36
- Shabbat 104
- Mekoshesh Etzim
- Time Shabbat Ends
- Kibre Tzadim
- Parasha Shelach Sod Ibur
- Shabbat Daf 100
- OH 9
- 06-14-20 AH Siman 50
- 06-14-20 AH Siman 49
- Shabat Daf 101
- Shabbat Daf 100
- 06-12-20 Parasha Be'Halotecha Attitude is Altitude
- Rabbi Rosner Melachim Bet 12-14
- 06-11-20 Be Halotecha Eldad Umedad-The Mutes
- Shabbat Daf 98
- Seudat Rosh Hodesh
- 06-11-20 AH Siman 48 Class 1
- Shabbat Daf 97
- Customs of Minha and Mosa’e Shabat
- 06-10-20 AH 47 9-14 Class #3
- Shabbat Daf 96
- MaMar Geula 32
- Ah Siman 47 Class 2
- 06-08-20 AH Siman 46-47
- 06-09-20 Time of Mashiah-Relativity
- OH 8
- Mamar Geula 31
- Marriage Spain Germany Takanot
- Shabbat 94
- Praying in ladies section
- AH Siman 46 class 2
- Daf 93
- Haftara Naso
- 06-05-20 Perashat Naso-Hinuch and Shechina
- Shabbat Daf 91
- R Mansour Parasha Naso
- Ma Mar Geula 30
- Birkat Kohanim
- 06-04-20 Aruch Hashulhan 46_1-3
- Ma Geula 29
- Making Aliya
- Shabbat 89
- Shabbat 88
- Mamar Geula 28
- Mamar Geula 27
- Delivery Room False Alarms
- Shabbat 87
- Shabbat Daf 86
- Pregnancy
- Haftara 1st Haftara
- Night of Shavout
- 05-27-20 Ma Mar Geulla 26
- Candle Lighting Yom Tob
- Pirkei Abot 1-16
- 5-26-20 M Geula Class #25
- yom tob 1 or 2 days
- Daf 81
- Yom Tob Sheni
- dairy on the holiday
- Tehillm at night
- Shavout Netzah Hod
- M' Geula 21
- 05-20-20 Pirke Abot 1_14
- R Mansour Ruth Tent of Salvation
- Kidush early on Shavuot
- Minyan of 2 People?
- Bircat Me’en Sheba in House Minyan
- 05-18-30 Sefer Haradim Secret of Rut
- 05-18-20 M Mar Geula Class 19
- R Sutton Pirkei Abot 5-13 & 5-14
- R Sutton Pirkei Abot 5-11 & 5-12
- R Sutton Pirkei Abot 5-7-20
- 05-17-20 M Mamar Geula Class #18
- 05-15-20 Haftara Behukotai
- 05-17-20 Doctors Tending to Contagious Patients
- Taking food home from wedding
- R Mansour Gems from Pirkei Abot chapter 4
- 05-12-15 M Geula Class 14
- 05-14-20 M’mar Geula 17
- 05-13-20 Pirke Abot 1_13
- R Mansour Lag BaOmer
- R Mansour Sneaking into a Concert
- Rabbi Mansour praying in minyan
- R Mansour Gems from Pirke About Chapter 3
- Rabbi Rosner Melachim Bet Chapters 7-11
- R Mansour PayinG Rent During Epidemic
- Rabbi Mansour Using Wifi with out Permission
- Rabbi Sutton Pirkei boy 5/5
- Rabbi Sutton Pirke Abot May 4th
- 05-06-20 Ma Mar Geula 12
- R Mansour Pirke_Abot_Gems_Perek_2
- Pirke Abot Rabbi Mansour
- Trains on Shabbat Part 2
- 05-05-20 Ma'Mar Geula 11
- Trains Shabbat Elevators
- Celebrating Birthdays in Halacha
- Haftra Kedoahim
- Sefirat Omer Onen
- Ma’Mar Geula 10
- Ma Mar Geula 9
- R Mansour Parasha Acheri
- 04-30-20 Rabbi Sutton Pirke Abot
- Hilchot zoom
- Rav Benayahu Acheri
- Mamar Geula. Class 8
- 4-29-20 R Mansour Pirke Abot 1. 9-10
- Ladies Donating
- 4-28-20 R Sutton Pirkei Avot - 1:6
- 04-23-20 Ma'amar Ha'geula Class #4 EDITED.mp3
- Celebrating birthdays
- M Geula 6
- R Mansour Sefer Haredim-Siduk Hardin
- 04-27-20 Rabbi sutton Pirkei about 1:5
- Otsrot 1
- 04-27-20 Bikur Holim and Nihum Abelim via Telephone
- Maamar HaGeula Class #4
- 04-26-20 Bircat Hagomel on Zoom
- 04-2-20 Thursday Night Gems_from_Pirke_Abot_Chapter_#1
- 04-23-20 Rabbi David Sutton Pirke Avot
- R Mansour 04-22-20 Pirke Abot 1_7-8.m4a
- 04-22-20 Ma'amar_Ha'geula_Class_#3
- Halacha Praying for someone to die
- RM Maamar Geula Class #1
- Rab Benayahu Tazria
- 4-20-20 Rabbi sutton Pirke Abot Tefilah Class 1
- LM Torah 25 Complete
- Rabbi Diamond April 20th Class
- Shabbat 44
- Haftara Shemeni
- R Mansour Haftra 7th Pesach
- Rabbi Sutton Az Yashir 1
- R Mansour Hidush Parasha BeShalach Shirat Hayam
- LM 24 3
- LM 24 2
- LM 24 1
- Rabbi Sutton Hagadah 5
- Rabbi Sutton Hagadah 4
- Rabbi Sutton Hagadah 3
- Rabbi Sutton Hagadah Class 2
- Starting time for Seder
- Rabbi Miller Preface to Passover
- R Mansour Laws of Erub Tabshilin
- R Mansour 5780
- R Benayahu Preparing for Pesach
- Shaar Kavaot Pesach 3 Hebrew
- RM Hallel on Pesach Yachid
- RM Sick People Maror Matzah
- R Benayahu Pesach
- Rav Benayahu Tzav
- R Maimon Preparing for pesach LM 282
- RM Buying Selling hametz 2020
- RM Haircuts on Omer 2020
- LM 23.5 Part 3
- LM 23.5 Part 2
- Making up Missed Parashiyot
- R M. Being Healthy
- RM Sefer Haredim 11
- LM 23.1-23.5
- The Synagogue
- Sefer haredim 10
- R. Benayahu Pekudai
- R Mizrahi A spiritual and physical cure for the corona virus
- Shabbat 12
- Shabbat 11
- Hacham Yosef Raful
- Shabbat 10
- Shabbat 9
- AH Siman 445 Class #2
- Rabbi Mansour Ki Tisa
- Rabbi Yedid Doubt 2
- AH Siman 445 Class #1
- LM Torah 22.11
- LM Torah 22.8-22.10
- LM Torah 22.1-22.7
- LM Torah 21 Part 2
- R Benayahu Purim
- LM Torah 21.1-21.6
- Purim from the Torah Thursday Night Shiur
- LM Torah 20 (Full Class)
- R M Yedid Tesave
- R. Mansour 7 Adar
- R Benayahu Tesave
- AH Siman 168 Class #4
- LM Torah 19.c -19.d
- Derech Hashem Class #72
- Berachot 61
- R. Mansour Culmination
- Berachot 60
- LM Torah 19.5-19.9A
- LM Torah 19.1-19.4
- LM Torah 18.4-8
- LM Torah 18.1 -3
- Ribit class 3
- Berachot 59
- Berachot 58
- 9 megilah Malbim
- 8 Megilah Malbim Perek 7 & How to remove Amalek
- 7 Megilah Malbim Perek 6 Part 2
- R Yedid Teruma
- LM Torah 17.9
- Rabbi Mansour Teruma Emet
- Ben Ish Hai Teruma
- LM 17.5-17.8
- LM Torah 17.3-17.5
- LM Torah 17.1-17.3
- LM Torah 16
- R Benayahu Teruma
- AH Siman 168 Class 1 &2
- R Mansour Parasha Mishpatim
- R Yedid YDE Mishpatim
- 2-21-20 SHaar Kavanot Shema
- R Benayahu Mishpatim
- Megilah Malbim class 6
- Hilchot Ribit Class 1 & 2
- Derech Hashem 71
- Berachot 48
- Megilah Malbim Class # 5
- Megilah Malbim class 4
- Megilah Malbim Class 3
- Megilah Malbim 2
- Megilah Malbim #1
- Berachot 47
- AH siman 219 Class 4
- Derech HaShem class 70
- Daf 46 partial
- Berachot 45
- Derech Hashem #69
- Berachot 44
- Berachot 43
- R Yedid Yitro
- Parasha Yitro
- Berachot 42
- AH Siman 219 Class 2
- Berachot 41
- Rav Benayahu Yitro
- Berachot 40 14 cycle
- R Yedid Vayislach
- R Yedid Vayeze
- RM Class "Starbucks"
- RM Vayigash & Vayechi Hidush
- Berachot 40 13 cycle
- AH Siman 218 Class 2
- Bereachot 39
- Sefer Haredim Class 5
- Sefer Haredim Class 4
- Sefer Haredim Class 3
- Sefer Haredim Class 2
- Sefer Haredim Class 1
- Derech Hashem Class 68
- AH Siman 168 Class 1
- AH Siman 219 Class 1
- AH Siman 217, 218
- Berachot 38
- Berachot 37
- Berachot 36
- Vayeze
- YDE R Yedid Beshalach
- Berachot 35
- AH Siman 216 class 1,2,3,4
- AH 213,214,215
- Berachot 34
- 2020 Rav Benayahu_Parashat Beshalah
- Derech HaShem 65,66,67
- AH Siman 212 1,2,3.4
- AH Siman 211 Class 1,2,34
- Berachot daf 33
- Derech Hashem 61,62,63,64
- Berachot Daf 32
- Derech HaShem 58,59,60
- Derech Hashem Class 55,56,57
- Derech Hashem Class 52,53,54
- RM ER 2
- Bereachot Daf 31
- Daf 30
- LM 2 101