Episode Synopsis "The Time of My Departure Has Come"
2 Timothy 4:6-8 By: Dr. Gregory S. Neal Senior Pastor: First United Methodist Church of Commerce, Texas March 17, 2015 Funeral Sermon for Norma McNew
Listen "The Time of My Departure Has Come"
More episodes of the podcast RevNeal's Video Sermon Podcasts
- Despising the Grace of God
- Thoughts on the Holy Trinity
- Pentecost And Shavuot
- Which way did he go, George
- Terror and Amazement
- We Betrayed Jesus
- He Saved Others
- The Time of My Departure Has Come
- Should Women Keep Silent?
- The Third Temptation of Jesus
- The Second Temptation of Jesus
- The First Temptation of Jesus
- Where Is Your Treasure
- Listen to Jesus
- Lift Up Your Eyes
- Stumbling Blocks
- Jonah Was A Wimp
- It Is The Lord!
- Baptism as a Means of Grace
- Preach, Teach, and Celebrate the Mystery
- Evil and the Holy Innocents
- To Be Like Mary
- Sharing the Light
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- The Great Cloud of Witnesses
- The Greatest Commandment
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- Discerning The Lord's Body
- The Christ Hymn
- Jesus Is Our Manna
- Giving As A Means of Grace
- The Meaning of the Name Yahweh
- The Authority to Forgive
- Jesus is our Direct Object
- The ABCs of Faith
- Blessed, Broken, and Given
- If God Is For Us, Who Cares Who's Against Us?
- Who Pulls The Weeds
- All About Sin
- I Will Give You Rest
- The Love of God With No Buts
- Jesus Opened Their Minds
- If You Love Me You Will Keep My Commandments
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- Giving As A Means of Grace
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- Grace Upon Grace
- His Presence Saves Us
- Here I am, A Servant of the Lord
- Emmanuel
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- "The Authority of Christ"
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- Grace and Peace
- The Mathematics of the Trinity
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- Do You Agape Me?
- The Spirit of Forgiveness
- "Four Views of the Empty Tomb"
- "Not All of You are Clean"
- "Sharing His Sufferings"