Episode Synopsis "Various Biblical Passages: The Three Accounts of Paul's Conversion"
Acts 9:1-9; 22:4-16; and 26:9-18A study in comparative Biblical passages from an historical and form-critical approach.
Listen "Various Biblical Passages: The Three Accounts of Paul's Conversion"
More episodes of the podcast RevNeal's Seminar Podcast
- Holy Communion: The Real Presence of Jesus
- Holy Communion: The Two Views of Holy Communion
- Holy Communion: Biblical Support for Real Presence Theology
- Holy Communion: The Great Thanksgiving
- Various Theological Topics: The Question of Kenosis
- Various Theological Topics: Christology
- Various Theological Topics: Overview of the Church Year
- The First Creation Story - Part 2
- The First Creation Story - Part 1
- The Second Creation Story and The Fall
- Various Biblical Passages: The Three Accounts of Paul's Conversion
- Various Biblical Passages: Jeremiah 31:31-34
- "The Joseph/Father Variant" or How A Variant Enters the New Testament
- Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels and John