Explanation of Important Lesson for Every Muslim by Shaykh Bin Baaz رحمه الله تعالى. The Arabic pdf is above.This lesson is a review of Basics and will be accompanied with a worksheet weekly to facilitate learning, memorizing, and understanding.The purpose of this is to have a small workbook that we can then print out and maintain to review at a later date.
Latest episodes of the podcast Review of the Exp. of Important Lessons
- Important Lessons: Tawheed and it’s Categories
- Important Lessons: Categories of Tawheed and Shirk
- Important Leasons: Our Belief in the Hereafter
- Important Lessons: Belief in the Books
- Important Lessons: Belief in the Angels 2
- Important Lessons: Belief in Angels
- Lesson 8: Important Lessons, Eman in Allah
- Class 7
- Class 6
- Class 5
- Class 4
- Class 3
- Class 2 Pt 3 [03.28.2020]
- Class 2 Pt 2 [03.28.2020]
- Class 2 Pt 1 [03.28.2020]
- Class 1 pt 2 [03.21.2020]
- Class 1 pt 1 [03.21.2020]