Episode Synopsis "Why Potlucks are Important: Interview with Michael Rhodes"
Michael Rhodes has a P.HD in Theology from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. He is also the Director of Community Transformation at the Memphis Center for Urban Theological Studies, where he works to equip pastors and community development leaders with theologically informed tools for community transformation. He is also the co-author of Practicing the King’s Economy. A book to help people honor Jesus in how you work, earn spend, save and give. You can find Michael Rhodes on twitter at @michaeljrhodes. In this episode, we mention Practicing the King’s Economy. This book is an incredibly helpful tool for Christians desiring to live a countercultural life for the common good, especially as it relates to their money and resources. Michael Rhodes, Robby Holt, and Brian Fikkert wrote this book to help people honor Jesus in how you work, earn spend, save and give.