Episode Synopsis "004 - Redefining Netflix and Chill, Marc Driscoll in AZ and Continuing our Gospel Discussion"
This week we look at some trending articles of Relevant Magazine, addressing Christian culture. Giving you our thoughts on the availability of Christian preachers on Netflix, Driscoll starting a new church. Continuing our Gospel series we approach the existence of God. Reference Articles: http://www.relevantmagazine.com/slices/televangelism-has-started-come-netflix#3zjHeLUBxqpphj8f.99 http://www.relevantmagazine.com/slices/mark-driscoll-starting-new-church-arizona Comments, questions or show ideas? Contact us at: [email protected] www.facebook.com/restlessroots www.twitter.com/restless_roots @andrewqn @jacksongillihan