Reopening College Campuses During COVID-19

A short series from the American Council on Education focused on reopening college campuses this fall as COVID-19 cases continue to surge in many regions of the country. Hosts Philip Rogers and Sherri Hughes talk with college presidents and chancellors and other members of the higher education community about how to ensure campuses are safe and workable for students—and when to make the decision to remain all-online. They unpack monitoring, testing, tracing, cleaning, teaching and learning, responding to the needs of faculty and staff, intercollegiate athletics—and the all-important question of how you get students to social distance in dorms, at parties, and everywhere they go. This series is sponsored by Jenzabar, a leading expert in higher education enrollment and digital transformation solutions, and part of ACE Engage Conversations. Sign up at to listen to past episodes.

Reopening College Campuses During COVID-19

Latest episodes of the podcast Reopening College Campuses During COVID-19