Episode Synopsis "Muslim Representation in the Media"
In this episode we talk about Muslim representation we see in television! This is a recording of our practice run of our Panel at Virtuous Con (virtuouscon.com)! When released by Virtuous Con, we will share the video recording of the panel; which include the slides we presented and our reactions to comments from the audience. Panel Description: In this panel, the members of Religiously Nerdy share their excitement and love for nerd culture and finding the hidden pieces of ourselves within the characters. They also discuss the emergence of more Muslim characters in some of our favorite shows and anime, such as Ms. Marvel, Castlevania, We Are Lady Parts, The Walking Dead, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow! Follow us on Instagram @religiouslynerdy and on twitter @3muslimnerds… Muslim Representation in the Media
Listen "Muslim Representation in the Media"
More episodes of the podcast Religiously Nerdy
- We Went to Japan!
- Avatar the Last Airbender Live Action Review
- Castlevania Nocturne Review
- Interview with Actor and VA Maaz Ali
- Seinen We Love!
- Shojo and Josei we Love!
- Lets Talk About Fan Service
- Talking Dune with Margari Hill
- Muslim Representation in the Media
- Winter Anime First Impressions
- Fall Anime First Impressions with Salaam Nerds
- Anime and Religion with Charles from Beneath the Tangles
- The Enchanter’s Counsel with Thalib Razi
- Ms. Marvel Review
- A Discussion on Race, Religion, and Pop Culture with Jordan Calhoun
- Spirituality in Fandoms with Ali Hussain
- The Journey Review
- Mental Health in Anime
- Anime You May have Missed
- Manga You May Have Missed
- Spirituality in Anime
- A Taste of Imagination with Ali Hussain
- Cosplaying with Hijabis
- Islam & Anime with Nadir Shirazi
- Fall Favorites
- Religiously Nerdy’s 1st Podcast!
- 3 Muslim Nerds – New Episode
- 3 Muslim Nerds – New Episode
- 3 Muslim Nerds! New Podcast Episode
- Haven’t You Heard?! Religiously Nerdy’s Got a Podcast!